Sweden is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The 3rd largest country in the European Union, its history is rich with Vikings, hunters/gatherers, and warrior kings. Pre-historically (14,000 years ago), Sweden was submerged in ice, but as time thawed the land, people moved in from surrounding areas. Sweden emerged as a unified country in the Middle Ages, and the days of Swedish Vikings are commemorated today by popular runestones, such as the Greece runestones and the Varangian runestones.
Its main cities include its capital Stockholm and southwestern Gothenburg and Malmo. Stockholm is built on 14 islands and has more than 50 bridges! Stockholm is full of attractions, the medieval old town, Gamla Stan, royal palaces, and museums such as the popular open-air Skansen. Check out our excursions in Sweden!
Sweden is full of parks to visit, including Kosterhavet National Park, a major park attraction that has 6,000 species of marine life- some species homed here cannot be found anywhere else in Sweden. Kosterhavet's coral reefs are popular with snorkelers and divers, while land lovers can enjoy quaint fishing villages in surrounding areas.
For those searching for wilderness excursions in Sweden, the Swedish Lapland in the far north above the Arctic Circle is perfect for you. With the sun shining around the clock, Lapland is ideal for canoers, hikers, and wildlife lovers. Swedish Lapland is inhabited by the hardy, indigenous Sami, who live in forests and barren tundra, where the bravest of us can learn interesting wilderness survival techniques and history.
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